Writing an opinion paper
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Advertising Bias Essay
Promoting and publicizing organizations are continually assuming on sexual orientation jobs and generalizations. The two people are depicted in specific manners to help cause items to appear to be increasingly alluring to the equivalent or other gender. Men are envisioned as apathetic, stupid lazy pigs while ladies are imagined as delicate, excellent, sexual, and compliant. In children’s advertisements, young men are appeared as unpleasant and keen on activity games while young ladies are all the more tranquil and intrigued by dolls. In spite of the fact that these generalizations are not in every case valid, they are what Americans have come to acknowledge about sexual orientation and society. Ads rely on painting reminiscent pictures about these generalizations so as to allure the customer to purchase the item. Numerous advertisements utilize a messy, stupid, habitually lazy person to speak to ladies in items that are normally utilized by ladies, for example, cooking things and cleaning items. By utilizing the male generalization, ladies will in general feel engaged or that they have the advantage when the typically â€Å"dominant†male is portrayed as second rate. While minimizing the male job has gotten progressively acknowledged as a demonstration of politically right sexism, it is still politically inaccurate to do such to ladies. See more: My Writing Process Essay Some view this as an unreasonable twofold norm. Job inversion is frequently used in publicizing with ladies as the focal point of the advertisement. The most widely recognized utilization of generalizing with ladies is advertisements is utilizing them to advance or sell an item through sexual intrigue. Regardless of whether to a male or female crowd, ladies are depicted as incredibly wonderful and provocative and frequently in intriguing postures. It pulls in men for the conspicuous reasons, and draws in other ladies since they seek to be a sure way or have a specific delightful quality or highlight. Ladies are additionally publicized as delicate and agreeable rather than guys. Women's activists are against these kinds of generalizing in light of the fact that they trust it orders ladies. In the public eye guys and females are singled out for their basic characteristics. These characteristics have gotten so across the board and ordinary, today they are viewed as generalizations. Organizations utilize these to pull in purchasers with the possibility that they are to some degree superior to the other gender somehow or another. The basic nature in advertisements calls attention to imperfections of people and uses them to misuse certain practices or idiosyncrasies that will help sell an item with its picture.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Essay on Human Resources
Paper on Human Resources Paper on Human Resources Test Essay on Human Resources: My essential arrangement whenever recruited Application sense being an innovator in client virtualization for big business associations has in the past won this title through what I accept is sheer difficult work from all the concerned quarters of the organization. I observe the way that App sense has figured out how to win grants because of the reality I have recently sketched out. Considering this view, my fundamental arrangement is engaged in keeping up the achievement of App Sense and simultaneously take it to more elevated levels. Furthermore, I firmly accept that for any organization to thrive and succeed in its profits and benefits, the hierarchical culture ought to be strong. In this manner I will endeavor to acclimate to my coworkers in order to empower an amicable workplace that is planned for accomplishing superior. (Stutley) Thirdly, consumer loyalty, cohesiveness among coworkers and great relations between the administration and workers are a portion of the variables that are the foundation of a human asset director. Indeed, I observe that App Sense has just settled itself in these fields. I state built up in light of the fact that the organization has acknowledged clients everywhere throughout the world. Clients like: JP Morgan Chase, Lowes, United Airlines, Wachovia, ESPN and Richard Ellis. My fundamental arrangement here is to attempt to guarantee that these overall clients are completely fulfilled regarding client administrations. While remembering this, I will likewise create methods of expanding the company’s worldwide system. In expanding the worldwide system, as a human asset administrator, I will guarantee great relations are encouraged between the organization and the clients in order to make sure about a dependable relationship. Framework type of a 30-60-90 arrangement My initial multi day plan will be outfitted towards seeming well and good Company. By this I mean I will learn organization frameworks. Since App Sense is an organization that to a great extent includes the utilization of frameworks as its item; client virtualization oversees client explicit data of the work area and applying this data on some random work area I should get familiar with this in order to be completely cognizant and get a specialized skill. Also, I will endeavor to ace the item information for this situation being client virtualization. Thirdly, I will guarantee that I address significant and prompt needs of the organization and furthermore distinguish zones that ought to be given need for activity. Finally, it is indispensable that I meet with other key individuals from the organization and other key players in order to acquaint myself with them with the point of becoming familiar with organization forms, arrangements, strategies, standards and the general administrat ion structure of the organization. My arrangement for the following thirty days will to a great extent include the customer base of the organization. By this I mean I will guarantee that I am acquainted with the clients and that I additionally audit consumer loyalty. By checking on consumer loyalty, I mean checking whether there are ways I may improve the organization client relationship with the point of better outcomes. Additionally I will endeavor to guarantee that the workforce isn't just joined however dedicated to exceed expectations. My last thirty days plan will be planned for auditing the selecting structure of the organization, checking on the different elements of the workforce, connecting all divisions in compelling correspondence that I may have the option to become more acquainted with of the current circumstances, surveying budgetary records and seeing that business capacities are satisfactorily provided food for. Research and Review of the Company Application Sense, as I have noted above is in the matter of client virtualization which involves overseeing client explicit data and applying this data to any work area. Considering this view I will guarantee that I survey the organization procedures and strategies to perceive what I can upgrade or enhance these issues. With the point of improving inner rivalry I will impart seriousness by checking on and improving the prizes given by the organization by offering awards based on execution among worker.
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Halloween Depictions of Mental Illness Add to Stigma
Halloween Depictions of Mental Illness Add to Stigma Basics Print Halloween Depictions of Mental Illness Add to Stigma By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on October 28, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 22, 2020 Lario Tus/iStockphoto More in Psychology Basics Psychotherapy Student Resources History and Biographies Theories Phobias Emotions Sleep and Dreaming Halloween is a fun event for manyâ€"but those with mental illness may find that it can be a time of increased stigma. The holiday itself is prone to stereotyped depictions of many people, professions, and cultures. So, it is perhaps not surprising that mental illness is so poorly represented. Costumes of all types often range from the amusing to the insensitive to the downright offensive. Sexualized costumes targeted at young children as well as cultural appropriation and insensitivity are all too common themes. Unfortunately, even Halloween movies and attractions showcase scenes that serve to further stereotype and stigmatize mental illness. Haunted houses are sometimes presented as haunted asylums where mentally ill individuals are depicted as frightening and violent. Retailers also offer costumes portraying those with mental illnesses as crazy, insane, violent, and clad in straight jackets. The spooky celebration is big business, as merchants offer everything you might need to celebrate, including party supplies, candy, costumes, and haunted house attractions. According to the National Retail Foundation, an estimated 171 million Americans will take part in Halloween festivities this year. And Halloween-related sales are expected to top $8.4 billion. So what makes depictions of mental illness so damaging and even dangerous? The Perpetuation of Mental Health Stigma Mental illness is already subject to a tremendous amount of stigma. People who are experiencing the symptoms of mental illness often hide their problems for fear of ramifications in their personal and professional lives. Characterizing an entire group of individuals as scary and dangerous because they have a psychological or psychiatric disorder is not only cruel, it is highly inaccurate. Mental illness can be frightening at times, but this does not mean that the mentally ill should be subjects of fear and discrimination. Such representations are part of the reason people sometimes hide their illness and fail to seek appropriate assistance. A few examples of such costumes and attractions seen in recent years include: Haunted houses presented as insane asylums where straight-jacketed patients terrorize visitorsMental patient Halloween costumes that depict the mentally ill as objects of fearSexualized costumes that portray women with anorexia nervosa as sexy skeletons As you might imagine, such representations can be upsetting to those whose lives have been affected by mental illness. Not only that, but such misrepresentations perpetuate myths and misconceptions about mental health. Mental illness is presented at times as frightening, unpredictable, and a source of violence. And at other times, it is portrayed as amusing and not serious. Both depictions contribute to the worn-out stereotypes that prevent people from seeking help when they need it. The Dangers of Stigma The field of mental health has long struggled to combat the stigma associated with mental illness. Individuals with mental disorders are often depicted as unstable and even violent, which creates an enormous obstacle when it comes to seeking help. According to the U.S. Surgeon General, stigma is one of the single greatest barriers to mental health treatment. People also tend to internalize this stigma, making it less likely that they will seek help. Thanks to portrayals of the mentally ill as unstable and even aggressive, people may experience a sense of embarrassment about their illness. Stigma often involves feelings of shame, blame, and isolation. Those who have mental illness may attempt to hide their symptoms from others while some may even be subjected to discrimination as a result of their illness. Rather than seek help for their symptoms, people may attempt to self-treat or even ignore their problems out of fear of being labeled. This is unfortunate because there are many safe and effective treatment options available. And the sooner people seek treatment, the sooner they can begin experiencing relief. Such Attractions and Costumes Can Be Triggering Imagine driving home from work one afternoon and seeing that one of your neighbors has created a Halloween scene in his front yard featuring the depiction of a lifeless body hanging from a tree. While your neighbor might not mean to cause offense, such scenes can be triggering on multiple levels. Aside from obviously calling to mind racially-motivated lynching, such scenes can cause considerable distress to anyone who has ever considered, attempted, or lost a loved one to suicide. Fortunately, as The Washington Post reports, haunted asylums and mental illness-themed costumes face challenges as advocates put increasing pressure on retailers and theme park proprietors. In recent years, major retailers have pulled costumes depicting the mentally ill as violent and frightening from their shelves. Recently, mental health advocates expressed outrage in response to an amusement park attraction at Knotts Berry Farm called Fear VR: 5150 that presented an insane asylum as a horror show. The park shut down the attraction in response to the controversy, yet similarly-themed haunted asylum attractions continue to crop up each year. What Can You Do? Aside from not patronizing businesses and services that perpetuate these stigmatizing and offensive depictions of mental illness, what else can you do to combat this problem? NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Health) suggests approaching businesses and politely sharing your feelings about the offending item, contacting local news media, and enlisting the help of others. They also recommend preparing for some backlash as some may suggest that you are overly sensitive or too politically correct. The key is to stay calm yet remain flexible. It may take time for companies to respond. But by raising awareness of this issue, you can help de-stigmatize mental illness. Think of the situation as a teachable moment to help raise awareness of the haunting specter of mental health stigma and the obstacles to treatment that such stigma creates.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Pro War in Iraq Essay - 2042 Words
Pro War in Iraq I do not subscribe to the fashionable notion of moral equivalence between all deeply-held beliefs. I believe in the rights of the individual over the collective. I believe democracy is better than dictatorship, both morally and practically. Not necessarily democracy as we or the Americans or the French practice it, but the idea that in every possible practical way, you should let people make their own decisions, and if these decisions need to be circumscribed in any way, then you should only do it with the explicit approval of a majority of the people in question. And above all that a people must be able to change governments and leaders without resorting to force. So my ongoing position is that I am not comfortable†¦show more content†¦The damning picture of the state of the Arab world painted in this UN report cannot be blamed on America, or Israel, or global capitalism. The blame lies squarely with the dictators under whom the Arab people have suffered, who have over a lo ng period stolen and squandered the regions wealth, just as Communist apparatchiks did under the Soviet system. How do they get away with it? Why do the people themselves not rise up? The aspect dictatorship which gets most attention is the brutal suppression of domestic dissent, for which you need to take over the organs of internal security. But you cannot just plant yourself as a dictatorship and suck the wealth out of a country or a people. Dictatorship too is an eco-system. You need a way of legitimizing your rule in the minds of a section of the population, and someone to blame for all of the evils for which evidence emerges. Once you have these things, you are in business with a nice, self-sustaining little earner. Other dictators tap into other vulnerable beliefs among their people to give them a veil of credibility. It might be nationalism, anti-Semitism, feelings of angst and inadequacy. In the case of most Arab dictators, it happens to be Islam. Islam contains a number of features that can be easily hijacked by unscrupulous leaders: the disrespect for non-believers, the basis for non-independent religious courts, the concept of jihad, and the belief in the afterlife.Show MoreRelated Pro War in Iraq Essay2021 Words  | 9 PagesPro War in Iraq I do not subscribe to the fashionable notion of moral equivalence between all deeply-held beliefs. I believe in the rights of the individual over the collective. I believe democracy is better than dictatorship, both morally and practically. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Essay on Hoosiers - 1253 Words
Hoosiers nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;As driving into Hickory, Indiana, a tiny town, I see that every house has a basketball hoop on the side of their barn. The little town consists of one main street. It has the local supermarket, barbershop, hardware store and some other small stores. While driving on the main street, I noticed that everyone notices a stranger coming into town. That is how small Hickory is. Driving into the high school parking lot I see that the girls dominate the young men by far. Looking around I also see that everyone is talking about the basketball game that night. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;When hearing that Norman Dale was going to coach a high school basketball team, I figured it was worth a shot to see†¦show more content†¦Then Billy interrupted and said that the only way he would play is if Coach Dale stayed. The townspeople agreed to keep Coach Dale and now have Billy playing. The next half of their season they won every game and everyone was happy with what Coach Dale had provided. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The love for the game and the passion for the game are what the young men have. The look in their eyes and the emotion that was shown, tells the fans and coaches that these young men are for real when it comes to playing. When someone has love and passion for something will let you pursue what you need to get done. The young men seem to have this and they want to pursue their journey to a championship. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;It wasn’t just the coaching that got the Hoosiers through the season and now into the playoffs. It was the young men on the team that believed in themselves through Coach Dale. Coach Dale loved every one of his players and insisted on them playing the way they could play. He saw the passion in their eyes and had total confidence in their abilities. There was also the big difference of having Billy on the team. In the beginning of the season there wasn’t a leader on the team. With Billy on the team now, there was someone to go to and get the job done. He carried the team and provided what needed to be done on behalf of the team. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Leadership is taking charge of a task that needs to be accomplished orShow MoreRelatedOd in Hoosiers931 Words  | 4 PagesOD in the movie Hoosiers Organizational Change Professor R. Conejo October 19, 2010 OD in the movie Hoosiers The movie Hoosiers was a great story that dealt with many of the topics covered in our readings for the week. The story is about a small-town Indiana basketball team that overcomes many challenges to win the state championship. The main character of the movie is Norman Dale, a passionate basketball coach that faces many obstacles in his attempt to teach his players about the benefitsRead MoreEssay Hoosiers a Film Review1283 Words  | 6 PagesHOOSIERS A film review Hoosiers is a film about second chances. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Management labor relations Free Essays
Ladies and gentlemen, our professor dry. Carl Minoan, good morning! As I stand here in front of you, I’m still wondering why the Labor (pertaining to the employees), and the Management (the employers), of the organizations are experiencing conflicts, misunderstanding, issues arising and other things that both parties opposed each other’s beliefs that tend to happen to build a Labor union on a specific organization, weird isn’t? Because I did not experienced those things in my organization even once though I am hearing complaints from my colleagues. I will share something to you, when I was a newbie in the company that I am working with, as an auditor I was able to checked and accessed all the necessary documents of our company, specifically the payroll. We will write a custom essay sample on Management labor relations or any similar topic only for you Order Now I discovered that not all employees were well compensated some are earning below minimum, we doesn’t even have much benefits like health card, leaves more than 5 days, security of tenure, bonuses and allowance etc. But then nobody has the courage and strength to fight over the management to ask for those they believed that they should have been enjoying. I felt self-consciously bothered and concern to my fellow employees, that if they discover the big difference of their salary to those who are newbie, no experience young professionals and a newly grads from respected universities and colleges, they might feel envious and unfair for just earning such wages. Maybe because a lot of them are afraid to lose their Job and might not be able to find a better job because mostly of my co-employees especially those who were at the age of ass’s and above, those in the company for 10 ears and above were not a college graduate and they said they were just lucky that they have their Job for living, though they have a choice to leave the company. We are very few whom I believed lucky to earn and offered to have an aggressive Income. And most of them have a huge debt to the company, because our boss allows them to vale an average of 10,000 for every senior or old employees whom our boss considered them as loyalist, and which everybody thinks that this is the way that the management strategy to make their employee to stay longer. In our company we have our own savings account, in which every payday it is deducted already on our salary and being deposited to our personal account, but we are not allowed to borrow It or get It even In the most In need situation, we are Just allowed to make cash advances to the company, but the approval of the amount of the cash advances that you can borrow to the company really depends on our boss, considering the reason why are you borrowing a money, your position, your years of working in the company, your revises vale and your performance; but if she is angry or not k with you, your request to have a cash advance might be rejected. Yes we have salary Increase, the management every six months review the salary of the employees, and the increase depends to the performance of course, but the big factor for them to Increase your salary is if they like you or not. If they had a bad experience with you even once or even simple mistake you’ve made that they really did not forget, I tell you, just wait ND pray to the government to make a salary increase and that’s the only way for you experience it. Our management was really very smart; most of the time they make the Increase as part of allowance of the employee so that it will not be Included in other employees. Those people who hold a team or position, department heads and supervisors are those lucky that the management is giving importance, and giving what we deserved. And I can definitely say that they would really be a pro management. As I go along and I’m gaining knowledge about Labor Unions, I wish hat my co-employees especially those whom I believed need more than they are getting, for they have a definitely not an easy Job, they should ask help of those strong trade unions outside the organization, to help them to bargain their needs to the company for their own sake and for the benefit of the majority. This company really needs a strong labor union. To the management, if they want to keep their employees welfare, they should give what their employees’ needs because through this the management is not Just helping their employees, but this could play a major ole in the company, the employees will and might be an asset of the company by working so hard because they are getting what they think they deserved to have and this serves as a motivation to the workers. Conflict will be minimized; strikes and boycotting will be prevented. Though we all know that salaries and wages are part of company’s expenses, but employees are also an asset to the company, without them, production and operation will not be possible, every worker are important, every individual in the organization is essential. And as an auditor of the company I could ay that the company is really earning a lot, and these employees should exercise their rights. I could say, even if the labor union does not exist in the company, both the labor and the management should have set a meeting or forum to talk about the goal of both parties, whether for the sake of the company as a whole or as individual, through meetings of their department heads or managers, so that both parties needs and wants for a harmonious relationship and for both parties benefits could meet; or else better seek help to outside labor or trade unions. How to cite Management labor relations, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Human Resource Information System ASX Listed Company
Question: Describe about the Human Resource Information System for ASX Listed Company. Answer: Introduction The report aims at building knowledge by interviewing a human resource manager and other members related to the department. The report will be mainly focusing on the actions of HRIS. The company selected for the research will be Freedom Foods Group Limited. It is publically ASX listed company for giving a specialized need in the food sector in Australia as well as internationally. The report will be critically analyzed by the help of need analysis; changes occurred in the management as well as integration. Later, there will be a recommendation made on the replacement and modification of system or methods. Finally, a conclusion will be made on the basis of overall analysis and description of the report. Overview Freedom Foods Group Limited is operating in four sectors Freedom foods, Pactum Australia, Freedom Foods North America and Seafood. The company aims in providing Wheat free, Gluten free, low sugar and salt, nut free or highly fortified products involves breakfast of cereals, biscuits, snack bars, almond and beverages of rice. The company is also providing a variety of canned seafood which is covering sardines, salmon, etc,. Moreover, the company will also be providing a product of UHT food and beverage including beverages of dairy milk. The company is situated in Taren Point, Australia. This company is a subsidiary of Arrovest Pty Limited. Freedom Foods Group Limited mission is manufacturing better food. The company aims that people needs are moving towards the safer zone, rich in nutrient and convenient food with longer life. Brands and products of the company are positioned in the market segments of "free from" includes products of foods and beverage which will be free from key alle rgens like gluten, nuts, wheat and diary, whereas maintaining a high profile of superior nutritional. In Australia and New Zealand, there is a strong market presence of FNP with the increasing concentration of export to North America as well as China and Asia. For developing key category and product in the channel with that of Freedom Foods Group, it will be collaborating with two groups and with other business partners for focusing on the formation of the key collaboration (Foods, F.2016). Description Human resource information system (HRIS) is also called human resource management system (HRMS) is moreover a multiplication of human resource and information technology by the help of HR software, which will be allowing activities of HR as well as processes which will be occurring electronically (Al 2012). HRIS will be viewed as the process by utilization of software for huge as well as small business for taking care for some activity, included in the department of human resource, accounting, management and payroll. HRIS will be allowing the company for planning cost of HR more effectively as well as managing and controlling the employees without allocating too many resources to them. In most of the situation, HRIS will be leading to an increased efficiency, when there is a fact of decision making coming to HR. The decision taken during that time will be increasing quality, due to which productivity of managers as well as managers will be increased and will become more effective in fulfilling its duty towards the organization. There are several numbers of solutions offered by the company which is adopted by HRIS which includes solutions in payroll, training, HR, recruiting and compliance (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). Most of the quality of HRIS System will be including flexibility in designing the feature of a database which is integrated into the wide range of available features. To make workforce easily manageable, it will be having ability for creating and analyzing the information more quickly and accurately. Most of the time companies are replacing several systems like personnel database, benefits, and payroll systems. HRIS is the composition of a database, hardware, software and computer applications which are necessary for collecting, storing, managing, recording, delivering, presenting and manipulating data for HR. It is very necessary to note the term system does not only refer to hardware and software. The system involves policies, people, procedures and data necessary for managing the functions of HR. In reality, the technology of computer is not having an aim of managing HR information. Instead, it will be providing a strong tool for "operationalizing" the information for easily obtained information and disseminating as well as ensure a specific organizational HR practices and policies (Bennett and Ho 2014). There is some a different component is called as the subsystem which will be composing an HRIS (Berman et al., 2015). There is employee in the administrating, recruiting, training and development, attendance and time, pension administration, performance evaluation, employment equity, benefits administration and compensation, health and safety, organizational management, payroll interface and labor relations is shown in the figure 1. Figure 1 HRIS Subsystem Source: (Abdelhak et al., 2014) Employee Administration It is one of the major components of HRIS System for administrative function. There are number of information which is included in the HRIS system for each and every employee which is hire date, telephone, name, e-mail address, address, birth date, emergency contact number, sex salary, department code, employee status, location, the starting date of each of the held position, position titles, the benefit of information (Bratton and Gold 2012). Recruitment This subsystem will be including position name and number and the department in which it is residing. It will be accessing the full-time as well as part-time. In few of the cases, online form will be tracking the applicants and then the resumes will be scanned with the help of identified qualification, skills location of work and experience. Time and attendance This division will be calculating the vacation time for example hire date, paid or unpaid leave taken, date of termination and other service which are interrupted. On the overall basis it can be said this section will be taking care the leaves availed by the every employee. Details of policy will be programmed (Buller and McEvoy 2012). Training and development This section will include data related to the skill, competencies, course cost, development and career planning of the employee will be considering the skills and competencies of the employees in company. Pension Administration This section will be containing detailing of the pension scheme and fund contributed by the company as well as the employee. Employment Equity In this section, there is information related to employment of the equity legislation which will be including information by some employees in four dimensions divided by type of industry, information of the geographic region (Davenport 2013). Payroll interface This section of the HRM will be including information related to salary, wages and benefits which will be related to accounting payroll. HRIS will be including payroll component, in sophisticated way and component of payroll (Figueiredo et al., 2016). Performance Evaluation This section is related to the performance rating, kinds of appraisal received by the due to performance of goals and objective of the company. An effect will be there on the performance system of the employee in the company. Compensation and benefits administration Information related to the compensation and benefits plan and policies are included in the subsystem of the company. Policies will be based on the allowance given to the employee for promotion, data related to paying grades and ranging in the position entitled to bonus structure of the company. Organizational Management This is included in the organizational structure and description of job. It will be under the field for entering the NOC (National Occupational Classification) codes. It will be linking to the positions or jobs to particular workers. Health and Safety Workers Compensation Board or an equivalent jurisdiction will be responsible for reporting the accidents happening in the work place as well as in the company. Information in the number of accidents and kind of accident, resolutions, health and safety complaint, claims of compensation and will be related to the forms of the subsystem (Flamholtz 2012). Labor Relations Information related to union membership, list of seniority, resolutions and grievances will be found in the subsystem of the companies HRIS system. Critical Analysis Critical analysis will be done by considering need analysis, changes due to an implementation of the management issues and integration in the human resource management. All the above points will be critically analyzed after interviewing the HR and its team member. There are number of software involved in each and every department of the company, among them some are eDelivery, Sage ERP X3 and NetSuite ERP. Need analysis is an effective training will be resulting in giving high return to the organization which will be more than the initial investment of the producer for administering the training of the employees. Need analysis is the method of collecting, prioritizing and recoding a requirement of HR in the organization. Need analysis will be necessary for discarding an HRIS which is failing to deliver necessary functions (Gatewood et al., 2015). It is necessary for building illogical data is wasted. Need analysis will increase the cost and time in the case of mistake. In HRIS need analysis people involved for interviewing in Freedom Foods Group Limited are manager of food management information system, Statisticians, Payroll staff, etc., Moreover for detail explanation company needs of SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) for fulfilling the objective of the company. While analyzing need analysis there will be Freedom Foods Group Limited it is necessary to find out answer to the entire mentioned questions (Jiang et al., 2012). will be answering an ecological footprint for measuring the impact of human on the ecosystem of earth. It will be typically measured on the ground of wilderness or natural capital consumed every year. One of the common way is that, the company will be analyzing and focusing on the adopting such software which will be reducing the emission of waste and try to utilize the resources of the company in an effective way (Knowles et al., 2014). deals in ways the company will be adopting for reducing overhead costs. There are several ways for reducing the cost of overhead which are mentioned below: The support system which is helping the field employees, supervisors and accounting function are traditionally all-in-house. Improvement in the telecommunication will be making attractive, and outsourcing huge number of data in the IT System, with the help of data warehousing and vendor management. Some or the other alternative should be present for providing advantage through cost-benefit of the employees, which will be examined closely (Marler and Fisher 2013). Multipurpose employees should be employed for better service to the company. will be answering the need of management team in fulfilling the goal of the company. There are number of function that needs to be fulfilled by the HRIS are training and development, workforce planning and risk management. Implementation or change management issues are in huge number, which will be affecting the performance of the company in various ways. Among which few of the issues are lack of training, the staff looking to the change in a negative way, implementation of the change in rule of the company should be done in an efficient way, an unexpected changes. This section will be covering few question will be giving clear view about the issue occurring due implementation of change management. Acquiring and implementing new HRIS software solution can be exciting for the companies because the employees will be considering the ways and solution which will be benefiting the daily lives and helps in saving time. Most of the company are failing to make mistake and get unwrapped in the potential benefit as well as failing in the proper addressing the challenges which will be faced by the HRIS implementation (Mathis et al., 2016). will be answering major technology features used in the company. Feature of the software used are, employee data management, applicants management, document management, employee training data management, project tracking and job opening management. will be answering advantage of the company for implementing modern HRMS. HRMS will be helping enhancing the accessibility. HRMS will be reducing the costs. HRMS will be satisfying the employees through easy access to the benefits of packages, pension schemes and open enrollment. HRM service will be giving strategic function. HRM will be flexible in giving ability to the applicant and integrated to approach. HR Software will be supporting all the major functions of the HR department of the company (McKenzie et al.,2012). will be answering the specific function fulfilled by HRMS. Basically there are number of functions needs to be completed by HRMS, but among them payroll, advantages to administration, recruitment, training system and metrics of HR are the key functions of HR. Payroll will is tend to be one of the common feature of HRMS system. Payroll of the company will be including fully functional ability for reviewing the payroll information and other information particularly to the need of HRMS. An effective HRMS will be eliminating the spent time on each activity (Storey 2014). It will be ensuring that all the employees will be managing the self benefit by adding insurance of spouse and other. Training system will be helping in increasing the efficiency of the company in terms of time management. It will be helping in improving the strategies of the company taken in order to fulfill the goals of the company. Similarly there will be perfect building of the skills, for tracking the efficiency of the management. The Skills of the employee needs to be updated in order to get success in the particular field. Recruitment of the employee will be done in an effective way for enhancing the efficiency of the company. Metrics of HR will be focusing on the capability of the employee in terms of wealth of the company (Mello 2014). Integration of HRMS is done in a strategic way for enhancing the performance of the company. A perfect strategic format will be helping the company in formulating and implementing the integration of HRM for enhancing the performance of the company. Integrating HR strategy aims at making all department work together to achieve business goal of the company. A successful strategy will only be implemented if the business will understand the implemented strategy for the company for fulfilling the HRM goal. Moreover, integration of the HR Strategy will be implemented for improving the position of the company. This concept will be analyzed by answering three questions (Oke 2016). will be answering the incentive plan adopted by the company for increasing the efficiency of the company. There are number of incentive plan available for encouraging the employees of the company. Pay-for-performance, stock option, gain-sharing and recognition are the incentive plans present. Performance-based pay is referred to as the incentive will be given based on the performance of the performance of the employee. Pay-for-performance model will be based on rate pay which will be coupled with the variable rate of paying the individual performance. Stock options are no more necessary for the incentive offered in an exclusive way in the elite of the company executive (Purce 2014). Gain-sharing is in the designed for fostering collaboration, involvement and enhancement in the corporate culture. Recognition will be highly focusing on the achievement of the employee in the front-line employee which will be forgetting the identity in the contributions of the managers which will be impa cting the performance of the company. will be answering suitability of the incentive plan for the company. Incentive plan adopted by the company will be one of the useful methods of increasing the performance of the company in various ways. The employees are the efficient resources for increasing the performance of the company. Incentive plan serves to be medium for increasing the profit as well as wealth for the company (Saini 2013). will be answering the new software needed for implementing the performance of the company. Talentpool, Zoho People and IBM Kenexa are the newly implemented software for improving the performance of the company. The new software implemented cost effective as well as time saving. There are number of software available for improving the performance of the company (Snell et al., 2015). Reports Generated from Human Resource Information System It is seen that this information system comprises of tools that helps to input new information into the system and to edit the existing data. The reports developed from this human management system can be discussed as follows: Succession Planning Freedom Foods Group Limited makes sure that that the employees are recruited and trained in order to fill in the essential roles within the organization through the method of succession planning. It helps to recruit employees with quality and superior knowledge to enhance their talents and skills and motivate them take in more challenging roles within the organization. Timely supervision of this planning will ensure that the employees are trained constantly to solve every role within the firm. Such an activity provides Freedom Food Ltd to hold a strong reserve bench of employees with active knowledge about challenging roles when the existing employees performing that duty move from this position. Such plans are strategic in nature enabling the firm to have extra employees to perform challenging roles when required (Al Ariss, 2012). Compensation Planning Compensation planning is one of the most crucial planning every organization needs to undertake because all the employees and labor working in the enterprise are motivated through the remuneration and compensation provided by the firm. The main objective of compensation planning is to attract and retain the quality work force considering the resources of the firm. Planning also motivates the employees working in an organization to give out their optimum performance. The labor costs related to the production function can be kept within the limit of the organization. The operation of these goals is expensive and thus planning and controlling of such expenses is vital. Therefore, Freedom Food Group Ltd needs to look into the remuneration part of the employees in detail and needs to function a proper labor costing and salary planning to motivate the employees. It is an administrative report as it administers the remuneration activities of the employees. Equal Employment Opportunity Monitoring The firm needs to analyze the that all the employees get equal opportunity to work and receive opportunities so that no one feels that neglected or has a sense of insecurity within the organization. Freedom Food Groups Ltd create equal employment monitoring forms, which creates a strong commitment and thus enhances equality in the opportunity of the employment. Providing the same opportunity to all the employees will motivate them to work harder and will thus increase the competitive edge of the organization. It is thus an administrative and strategic report, which optimizes the level of work within the organization. Decision Making The human management system is beneficial for decision- making because the reports created from this system, enables the top- level management to take crucial business decisions, which is beneficial for the present and future prospect for the organization. This is an operational report, which enables Freedom Food Groups Ltd to move ahead in the current market scenario. Recommendation There are number of recommendations available for improving the performance of the company. The company needs to number of incentive plan for improving the performance of the company. HRM should help in hiring and training the workforce of the employee in the company. HRM should take care of the performance management system of the company. HR should helping in building culture as well as values in the company. HRM will be also helpful in implementing major and important responsibility of the company. HR should hold for maintaining good relations inside the company as well as outside the company. HR should helping in evaluating policies of the company. HR is one of the key components in building team. HRM system should be implemented in a perfect way so that all the resources of the company are utilized in an effective way. HRM will be playing as a legal organization. HRIS will be qualifying specialist advantage of the company. HRM should be created for better implementation of perfo rmance. HRM is one effective department for effective management of the resources of the company. Conclusion The aim of the report for at building knowledge by interviewing a human resource manager and other members related to the department has been done. The report has mainly focused on the actions of HRIS. The report has been critically analyzed by the help of need analysis, changes occurred in the management as well as integration. Later, there has been recommendation made on the replacement and modification of system or methods. Finally conclusion will be made on the basis of overall analysis and description of the report. The report has effectively fulfilled all the goal and objective of the company. On the overall analysis it has been analyzed that company has fully utilized its resources for fostering betterment of the company as well as development of the company. Freedom Foods Group Limited has been effective organization for fulfilling the goals and objective of the company in the human resources department. Freedom Foods Group Limited will be effectively fostering the HRM for we alth and profit improvement. 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